About Cap Solutions

Cap Solutions is a company that offers a range of services for cars, including things like car detailing, washing, paint protection, waxing, cleaning, delivery, and more. They have a team of over 80 members, each with their own roles, and they provide these services to multiple cars every day in different locations in the US.

Our Role

In this project, my role was to build an entirely new website from the ground up. The main goal was to establish a proper structure for all the company’s employees. Importantly, I wanted to create a significant feature where if Chris decided to open another branch, he could easily set up a separate portal just for that new branch. This new branch would have its own owner, employees, services, reports, sales, and clients.


To create the website, I used a pre-designed template (made on react) for the front part, which is what users see. However, for the Backend work and the Database, I built everything from scratch. Initially, this project was quite challenging because the company had five types of users, and each one had a different role.

Here’s how it works: Firstly, there’s the main owner of the website, known as the franchisor. Below the franchisor, there are different franchises, and each franchise has its managers, workers, and dealers. Workers and managers can add, edit, or remove services for different clients’ cars. Managers can also oversee the services done by other workers. Dealers, on the other hand, can only see what’s happening in their specific dealership, such as sales and services. Workers and managers can also record their daily attendance, which helps the franchise owner calculate the hours they’ve worked.

To make things even smoother, I set up some automatic checks on the server to ensure that if someone forgot to “clock out” when they finished work, the system would do it for them automatically. I also created comprehensive reports for tracking time, service records, and comparing different franchises and clients. Both franchises and the main owner (franchisor) have the ability to manage users and clients.

In simple terms, the website acts as an internal management system for the company. Owners can keep an eye on things like sales, salaries, and clients, and generate weekly and monthly reports. The client already had the landing page for the website in place, and my role involved making some minor improvements to it. Chris, my client, is extremely pleased with the results of my work.

To build the website, I used a React Template for the front end, MongoDB for the database, and Node JS for the back end. Finally, I Deployed the website on AWS Hosting.

Technology Stack



Node js

React js

My client, Chris, used a website to keep tabs on what was happening in the company. However, he wasn’t satisfied with it because the developers who created the website charged a hefty monthly fee for its maintenance. What’s more, if Chris wanted to open another branch of the company, those developers would charge him double.

Client Reviews

Tech Xplorers’ team always impress with the level of helpfulness thoroughness and care they are able to put into every project. They were available to do lots of edits well after the milestones were complete. I am very happy that we finished almost all functionalities of Admin, Coach & Athlete within all of the short timelines that were required from this project. They are great to work with and an excellent communicator, always responding quickly and in a timely manner. — Anya Singh

Website Screens

Website URL