About Cake

Cake is a wedding gift platform designed to provide a unique and interactive experience for couples and their guests. It combines video and picture messages with seamless payment options, allowing guests to celebrate the happy couple in a personalized and meaningful way.In this project, the technology stack is Node JS for the back-end Next JS for the front-end, and Stripe for the payment method.

Our Role

Our role in this project was to develop the Portal side of the website from scratch using the Client-provided Figma Design. We developed the front end, back end, and database of this project. The platform includes three different portals: the User, Guest, and Admin portals, as well as a landing page.


The User Portal (Wedding Couple) serves as the central hub for wedding couples. Users can Sign up or log in using email and basic information. Users can choose from various subscription plans with different features and pricing. Users can add payment options like Venmo, CashApp, PayPal, or custom QR codes for other methods. Users can upload a thank-you note, personalize their video and picture messages, and generate a shareable QR code. after the wedding, and the Admin gives access to the compiled video showcasing all guest messages videos, and pictures. Users can also share the compiled video, and pictures on social media or download it for personal keepsakes.

In Guest Portal allows guests to easily contribute to the celebration. Guests can Scan the QR Code or Direct Link to navigate the gifting page using the couple’s provided QR code or direct link. Guests can Fill Out the Form and Share their name, email, message, personal picture, and desired contribution amount. Guest can upload or record video (max 30 seconds) to the couple’s collection. Guest pay through the couple’s preferred payment app using their QR code or direct link. 

Technology Stack

Next Js


Mongo DB

Node Js

The Admin Portal provides comprehensive control over the platform. Admin can manage subscription plans like creating, editing, and managing different subscription options for users. Admin views a list of registered couples, blocks or unblocks users, and accesses individual user profiles. Admin views guest messages pictures and videos for specific couples and deletes content upon request. Admin can track total earnings, number of users, guest messages, and other key metrics. Admin also creates the sub-admins and gives them specific access to the admin portal like (settings, email, payment plans, etc). Admin can modify static content, images, text, email templates, UI colors, and add sub-admins. I Deployed the website on client-provided Hosting Digital Ocean Hosting. It was a rewarding experience collaborating on this project with my client, Paige.

Client Reviews

Tech Xplorers’ team always impress with the level of helpfulness thoroughness and care they are able to put into every project. They were available to do lots of edits well after the milestones were complete. I am very happy that we finished almost all functionalities of Admin, Coach & Athlete within all of the short timelines that were required from this project. They are great to work with and an excellent communicator, always responding quickly and in a timely manner. — Anya Singh

Website Screens

Website URL